landscape and natural area of Pieniny

The Three Crowns massif is a showcase of Pieniny Właściwe. Above the north-eastern part of that mountain range reigns Sokolica (747 m asl) - a peak overgrown by fir-beech forests, rocky only at the very top, and descending on the southern slopes, preserves ageing several hundred years the relict pine. Their silhouettes, with boughs twisted by wind are another symbol of Pieniny.

The most valuable in terms of landscape and natural area of Pieniny Właściwe is the Pieniny National Park - one of the oldest national parks in Poland. Its area stretches between Czorsztyn and Szczawnica. Pieniny National Park is the smallest park in terms of area, but has the highest attractiveness and high rates of increase in tourist traffic. It is here that, at a small area, there is a wealth and variety of fauna and flora.

The rarity of natural landscapes and distinctive accent of Pieniny is Zawadski Dendranthema (Złocień) and unheard of anywhere else in the world of two endemic: Taraxacum pieninicum and Erysimum pieninicum.

The list of animals living in the area of the Pieniny National Park has over 7,300 species. In the animal world butterflies occupy a dominant position (around 1,600 species), including - Mountain Apollo (Par-nassius apollo) which is one of the symbols of Pieniny. In addition, this area is inhabited by numerous birds (including: Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria), common kestrel (Falco tin-nunculus), black stork (Ciconia nigra), spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata), hazel hen (Bonasa bonasia), woodpeckers (Picidae)), amphibians and reptiles (including fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), the common toad (Bufo bufo) and the European green toad (Bufo ridis) . Alpine newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris), the European adder (Vipera berus), slow worm (Anguis fragi-and 17 species of fish (e.g. speckled trout (Salmo trutta), danube salmon (Hucho hucho), the European :r._r i Squalius cephalus), grayling (Thymallus thymallus)).

Larger mammals among others: deer, roe deer, wild boars, foxes, badgers and a few the wildcat (Felis i:L estris and lynx. In the old castles and caves the bats found a shelter.

A special role in understanding fully the Pieniny located near the border with the Poland, Slovak Pieni--Y National Park PIENAP (in Slovak - Pieninsky narodny park, PIENAP) which covers the area from Lerveny Klaśtor to Velky Lipnik.

Pieniny are limestone Mountains and cliffs, are resistant to weathering jurassic rocks, and the valleys n; casses are soft rocks, a slightly later. Because of that, there are deeply indented in the rock, the rivers streams forming gorges and ravines. One of them, considered to be extremely beautiful, is located in -_~e Małe Pieniny - Homole Ravine. Its name probably derives from the Rus’ word “gomola” meaning oval : "ire. probably referring to blocks of rock at the top of the ravine. At the bottom of the ravine flows Karu : rJca stream, the crystal clear water. 'Ihe ravine walls form a limestone rocks with extremely diverse relief, ‘»rich are overgrown by the rare species of plants and well-preserved rock grasslands. In 1963, the Homole -urine together with the Czajakowa Rock and part of Kaniowski Valley Stream became nature reserve, »tuch would prevent the destruction of flora and fauna, and protect the unique landscape. The stay in the Małe Pieniny is also a perfect opportunity to discover the charms of one of the most abundant in the pictur-escue rocks and steep, creating gorges and waterfalls - White Water Reserve, which is perfect for pedestrians

iMing, cycling, and is accessible for disables on wheel chairs.

Pieniny Mountains are one of the most attractive Polish regions. Decide both the natural values: unusual rise v here beauty and diversity of landscape, as well as outside the natural advantages: availability of comnication and well-organized tourist infrastructure.

On the boundaries of the Beskid Sądecki and Małe Pieniny, in the valley of Grajcarek, lies Szczawnica, numbering about 7,5 thousand residents, town, together with two villages: Szlachtowa and Jaworki, creates 1 cared on the surface of 8789 ha of urban-rural commune. The name “Szczawnica” derives from numerous recurring here acidic waters called “szczawy”, which favorably affect the respiratory diseases, inflammation :: die stomach, urinary tract disease and organ motion. Discovered and exploited sources and microclimate reused that Szczawnica is among one of the most famous of the Carpathian health-resorts. The first spa : -Ldings, spa baths and a park built in the mid-nineteenth century, thanks to Józef Stefan Szalaya, then rener of the resort, whose ambition was to create a health-resort in Szczawnica to European scale. The health-resort in Szczawnica has become a popular summer resort for artists and for the aristocracy. They visited Szczawnica from time to time, among the others: Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Józef Lunacy Kraszewski, Maria Konopnicka, Bolesław Prus, Adam Asnyk, Michał Bałucki, Wincenty Pol and Woiciech Gerson.

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